Official State of Iowa Website Here is how you know

Licenses & Registrations

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Get quick and easy access to recreational privileges in Iowa, including hunting, fishing, and specialty licenses; off-highway vehicle registration renewals and DNR User Permits.

Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Fishing Atlas

Fishing Atlas

The Fishing Atlas is an interactive map showing contour maps, fish structure locations, topography and more! Now is the time to plan your next fishing trip.

Fishing Atlas

Find a State Park

Find a State Park Near You

Experience Iowa's natural beauty and all the fun our state parks offer. Take a moment and browse our interactive map and plan a visit to an Iowa State Park or recreation area.

Find a State Park

Fishing Programs

Master Angler and First Fish

If you've caught your first fish or a BIG fish in Iowa, check out the Master Angler and First Fish programs!

First Fish & Master Angler

Special Events

Special Events

Special Events are events hosted by clubs, organizations, or other groups on state-managed lands or waters. Browse upcoming events or download an application.

Special Events Portal

Iowa DNR | Additional Online Services and Databases

Animal Feeding Operations, AFO Database
Tracks information related to animal feeding operations, including construction permits, management plans and other data on confinements and open feedlots.
General information: Animal Feeding Operations, Overview


Electronic Manure Management Plan, eMMP Application
Allows an owner to submit annual manure management plan updates and make payment.
General information:


Hazardous Substance Incident Reporting, HSI Database
Allows the public to view reported spill data in their communities; the DNR to track incidents, and responsible parties to submit requested and required information. General information: Hazardous Incident, Overview


One Stop, Facility Explorer
Data warehouse that links other environmental databases by facility site.
General information: Facility Explorer Help


Tier II Manager
Allows a facility to submit a chemical inventory form (TIER II) for hazardous chemicals stored or used in the work place above certain quantities.
General information: Section 311-312 Hazardous Chemical Storage Reporting (Tier II)

Environmental Application System (Iowa EASY Air)
Online application system to submit and pay fees for air quality construction and Title V operating permits.
General information: eAirServices Overview


State & Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS)
Online submittal of air quality emission inventory reports.
General information: eAirServices Overview


Asbestos Notification System
Online notification system for abatement, demolition and renovation work requiring asbestos notification to DNR.
General information: eAirServices Overview

Contaminated Sites Database
A listing of properties where potential or actual releases of regulated substances or hazardous wastes have been reported.
General information: Contaminated Sites, Overview


Cumulative Risk Calculator
The cumulative risk calculator can assess risk to potentially exposed parties, based on three standard exposure scenarios, from multiple contaminants and multiple media (i.e., groundwater, soil, and air).
General information: Contaminated Sites, Overview


Iowa Waste Exchange, IWE
This no-cost, non-regulatory, confidential service matches institutions that produce byproducts/waste with other groups interested in using or recycling those materials. The online site allows for searching and adding materials that organizations agree to make public. (Organization name is always held in confidence.)
General information: Waste Planning and Recycling


PERMT (Permit and Environmental Review Management Tool)
Iowa DNR PERMT website with 24/7 access for your Iowa DNR Flood Plain and Sovereign Lands Permits, BFE Requests, AFO Determinations, and related work. General information: Flood Plain, Overview


Solid Waste Database
The solid waste application tracks permit amendments, renewals and report submittals for solid waste facilities. The application also contains basic facility information such as permit numbers, facility contacts, project locations and permit expiration dates. All incoming and outgoing documents are converted to an electronic format and are available for public viewing using the Electronic Document Retrieval report.
General information: Solid Waste, Overview


Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP)
The Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP) is a financial assistance program helping to reduce the amount of solid waste generated and landfilled in Iowa. SWAP provides financial support for best practices, education and market development projects that focus on waste reduction and landfill diversion.
General information: Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP), Overview


Underground Storage Tanks, UST/LUST Database System
Tracks UST site location, site owners, tanks, Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA), site classification and remediation; and the current status of UST & Leaking UST sites.

Wastewater Permit Information Exchange (WWPIE) Provides public access to draft and final individual NPDES and operation permits for wastewater discharges.
General information: Wastewater Permit Information Exchange, Overview


Storm Water Permitting
Offers online application for storm water permit authorizations and tracks wastewater permits for NPDES general permits #1-3.


Iowa Drinking Water Data Portal
Provides information regarding the Public Water Supply systems that serve drinking water throughout the state and the results of samples required by the Safe Drinking Water Act.


Onsite Wastewater
Tracks wastewater construction permits issued by counties for new septic systems. An electronic application processing system for commercial septic tank cleaners is in development.


NPDES General Permits 5, 8 and 9
Allows the public to search for and view information on authorizations for General Permit #5 (Mining and Quarries), General Permit #8 (Hydrostatic Testing, Ballasting, and Water Lines) or General Permit #9 (Dewatering and Residential Geothermal). New applications or existing permittees can also register for an account and submit an electronic Notice of Intent (eNOI) for coverage under General Permit #5, #8, or #9.
General information: NPDES Databases webpage.


Operator Certification, OpCert Tracks certification of operators for public water supply treatment/distribution and wastewater treatment and lagoons.


W/WISARD (Water/ Wastewater Information System & Records Database) Iowa DNR issues project approvals and permits for construction of drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities. IOWA SRF provides low-interest loans for drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure improvements and non-point source water quality projects. General information:

Biological Assessments, BioNet
BioNet is the portal for sampling data and summary information collected using the protocols of the Stream Biological Monitoring and Assessment Program.


Water Monitoring, AQuIA
Ambient water quality monitoring of physical, chemical, biological and habitat data on Iowa’s rivers, lakes, groundwater and wetlands.


Use Assessment & Attainability Analysis
Tracks the proposed designated uses for streams and rivers in Iowa that have had a Use Assessment/Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) completed.


Water Quality Assessments, ADBNet
Tracks water body assessment decisions reported for the Clean Water Act 305(b)/303(d) Integrated Report.
General information: Iowa's Ambient Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Program


Fish Kills Database
Stores data for all fish kills in the state from 1995 to the present.
General information: Fish Kill Monitoring and Reporting

Water Use Program, WUse
Tracks and manages water allocation, water storage, agricultural drainage wells, and aquifer storage and recovery permits.
General information: Water Supply Engineering


Private Wells Tracking System, PWTS
Iowa DNR's tracking site for private wells in Iowa. Construction permitting, water testing, well renovation and well plugging.
General information: Well Logs and Well Reporting, Overview


Source Water Protection Tracker
A spatial dataset that tracks all Iowa public drinking water system information. Includes ownership, reports, location, history, well(s), water source(s) and contaminant information.

Boat Docks
All docks, hoists, buoys, and rafts placed in or over any water open to the public in the state of Iowa must now have a permit.


Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Go Outdoors Iowa
Buy your Iowa hunting and fishing license online or check your account details.


Fishing Report
Weekly Fishing Report information from Iowa's fisheries experts, made available in a searchable database format.


Special Events Application System
Browse listings of special events, or perform detailed searches for events that are of a type, location, or time that are particularly interesting. Events can be hosted by clubs, organizations, or other groups in state parks, on state-managed lands or on public waters. These special events include more than 700 fishing tournaments; up to 500 ATV, snowmobile, and boating activities; dog field trials; Scouting events and more.


Natural Areas Inventory, NAI
Tracks the status and distribution of threatened and endangered species of plants and animals in Iowa. Public access is at the county level. Note: The “login” option is for professionals only and is not needed to view database information.
General information: Natural Areas Inventory


Natural Resources Geographic Information System, NRGIS Library Database of all the GIS layer data sets.