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NPDES Section Databases

This page contains information about the online databases used by the NPDES Section of the Iowa DNR. Please expand the sections below for more information on each database.

1 Individual NPDES and Operation Permits - Wastewater Permit Information Exchange

To proceed to WWPIE, please use the following link: Wastewater Permit Information Exchange (WWPIE)

WWPIE has three main functions:

  • providing public access to pdf versions of draft, draft amendment, and final individual NPDES and operation permits in Iowa
  • providing public notice of permit issuances and reissuances
  • allowing interested persons to register, save searches and receive draft and final permit notifications

In WWPIE, you may search for and view individual NPDES and operation permits by proceeding to the search page. The facility pages in WWPIE provide basic information on permits, permit delay reasons (if applicable), and links to the permit documents. ADA accessible versions of the permit documents can be made available as needed.

General Permits Nos. 1 - 9 are not included in WWPIE and facilities covered by these permits will not appear in the search. Only final and draft individual NPDES permits are included in WWPIE. Closed and revoked permits are not searchable or available on WWPIE.

Persons interested in NPDES permitting in Iowa can register, save searches, and receive email notifications on draft and final permits in WWPIE. Registered users can opt to receive email notifications when individual permits are drafted or finalized in a specific search area, so users can be notified of new draft permits or can track permit issuance. Please use the WWPIE Registration and Notification Instructions or view the FAQ document in WWPIE for more information on registering, saving searches, and receiving notifications in WWPIE.

For questions on WWPIE, and to obtain accessible versions of documents, please contact

NPDES Databases - Time of Transfer Database

The Iowa DNR has launched its new online Time of Transfer (ToT) Database for the submittal and search of ToT inspection reports.

The ToT Database is located at:

The new ToT Database allows certified ToT inspectors to login in and enter inspection reports online. All ToT inspection reports will be automatically transmitted to the DNR and the county where the property is located, and will be available to the public online upon submittal.

For more information on the ToT Database, please see the ToT Inspection Program Webpage.

Iowa DNR Payment Portal - Individual Fee Payment

Annual, application, and amendment fees for individual NPDES and operation permits can be paid on the Iowa DNR Payment System.

To pay an NPDES fee electronically, proceed to the Iowa DNR Payment System and choose “Pay Individual NPDES and Operation Wastewater Permit Fees”, or use the direct link to the Individual NPDES and Operation Wastewater Permit Fees webpage. Search for your fee using the permit number or facility name and follow the on screen instructions. Use of the Payment System is encouraged, but payments may continue to be mailed along with the NPDES fee invoice form or paid over the phone using a credit card.

General Electronic Payment Information:
  • No separate invoice form will be needed for the electronic payments.
  • Payments can be made with credit card or electronic check.
  • All payments will include a $1.50 processing fee.
  • Credit card payments will include an additional 2.5% processing fee.
  • The Payment System accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
  • Paper fee invoices do not need to be mailed separately when an electronic payment is made.
Specific Fee Information:
  • Application Fees - The $85 application fee is due at when a permit application is submitted; usually once every five years.
  • Annual Fees - Payment notices and paper invoices for the annual fees are mailed to each facility in July. Annual fee payments are due August 30 of each year, and are not connected to permit renewals or the $85 application fee.
  • Amendment Fees - The $85 amendment fee is not due until an amendment request has been approved by a permit writer. Once an amendment request is approved, the amendment fee will be available on the Payment Portal.
Fee Contacts and More Information: 
  • Direct questions regarding the individual permit fees to Courtney Cswercko at
  • More information on NPDES Permit Fees is available on the NPDES Fees webpage.

2 General Permits 5, 8, and 9

The General Permits 5, 8 and 9 Database allows new applicants and existing permittees to register for an account and submit electronic Notices of Intent (eNOI) for coverage under General Permit #5 (Mining and Quarries), General Permit #8 (Hydrostatic Testing, Ballasting, and Water Lines) or General Permit #9 (Dewatering and Residential Geothermal). The public can also search for and view information on authorizations for General Permits #5, #8, or #9.

To view the GP 589 Database, please use the following link: General Permits 5, 8, & 9 Database


General Permit #5:

In the GP 589 Database, permittees may submit eNOIs, submit annual monitoring reports, and pay fees for General Permit #5.

For basic instructions on how to search without an account, create an account, and manage GP5 facilities, see the GP589DB - GP5 Quick Start User Manual.

For complete instructions on how to use the General Permit 5 portion of the GP589 Database, see the GP589DB - GP5 External User Manual.

If you have questions or need assistance with the database functions for General Permit 5, contact Eric Sundall-Gaspar at 515-601-8795, email:


General Permits 8 & 9:

Most permittees will not need to submit an eNOI for coverage under General Permit 8 or 9.  To determine if you need to submit an eNOI, please refer to the screening questions.

For more information on how to register, sign and/or submit eNOIs for GP 8 or 9, see the GP589DB - GP8 & 9 User Manual.

If you have questions regarding eNOI submittal for General Permits 8 and 9, contact Wendy Hieb at 515-808-3039 or

3 General Permits - Online Stormwater Database

If you wish to search for discharges authorized under the stormwater General Permits, #1 for industrial activity, #2 for construction activities, and #3 for asphalt plants, concrete batch plants, rock crushing plants and construction sand and gravel facilities, please go to the Online Stormwater Permit Database.

If you wish to apply for coverage under General Permit #1, #2, or #3 online, please go to the Online Stormwater General Permit Application webpage.

For questions on the Online Stormwater Database, please call 515-204-9234, or email Mark Lasnek at

4 Other Individual or General Permits

If you wish to obtain information on an individual permit not included in WWPIE (a pending permit for a new discharger or a closed, revoked, or expired permit), please contact a permit writer listed on the NPDES staff roster.

If you wish to see a list of the active individual permits in Iowa, please refer to the Current NPDES Permits webpage.

There is currently no listing of the discharges authorized under General Permits #4, #6, and #7 on the Iowa DNR website. For more information on these general permits, please see the NPDES General Permits webpage.