Projects WILD and Aquatic WILD

Projects WILD and WILD Aquatic resources

Taking STEM Outside: WILD Project-based Learning in Your Schoolyard

Project WILD and Aquatic WILD are time-proven effective activity guides that support teaching in and learning about the environment. Learn about wildlife and nature with hands-on experiences you can share with your students. Easily add any Project WILD or Aquatic WILD activity to your curriculum. Each lesson is tested in real classrooms to ensure effectiveness and excellent student participation.

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Projects WILD and Aquatic Wild Self-Guided Modules
Online - On Demand
No credit option; Guides only

Project WILD and Aquatic WILD training modules are now available online. Educators who complete the modules can then order the activity guides. Check out the Iowa WILD Training Site to learn more.

Growing Up WILD: Exploring Nature with Young Children

Growing Up WILD builds on children's sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them. Provide an early foundation for your students with this collection of activities written by educators and wildlife professionals and reviewed by early childhood education experts.

Activities have been correlated to national standards for early childhood education – NAEYC Criteria for Curriculum, Head Start Child Outcomes Framework and the NAAEE Early Childhood Environmental Education Guidelines for Excellence. Additional correlations have been drafted to Iowa Early Childhood program and curriculum standards – Quality Preschool Program Standards, Iowa Early Learning Standards, and the Iowa Core Curriculum.

Growing Up WILD received the 2009 Family Choice Award and the 2011 Renewable Natural Resource Foundation Excellence in Journalism Award.

Iowa State University Extension provides Growing Up WILD training for early childhood professionals that include continuing education credits through the Iowa Department of Public Health. Visit the ISU Extension GUW Training site to find a class.

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