Water Supply Engineering

Membrane skid piping

Water Supply Engineering Section

Carmily Stone, MPH, Supervisor
Telephone: 515-681-3548; E-mail: Carmily.Stone@dnr.iowa.gov

Office location: DNR Headquarters,
6200 Park Ave Ste 200, Des Moines, IA 50321-1371
Fax: 515-725-8201

Water Supply Staff Roster

General Information:
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) administers the Public Drinking Water Program in Iowa under delegation of authority from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The Water Supply Engineering (WSE) Section and the Water Supply Operations (WSO) Section are responsible for the programs associated with the public and private water supply systems of Iowa.  Both sections are housed in the Iowa DNR’s Water Quality Bureau.  In addition, the sections are responsible for Iowa’s water allocation and use program; environmental laboratory certification program; certification programs for water operators, wastewater operators, and well drillers; and the technical aspects of the drinking water state revolving loan fund program.  The Iowa DNR’s Field Services & Compliance Bureau has the inspection component of the public water supply program.

A public water supply is defined as a system that provides water for human consumption that has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 people at least 60 days during the year.

The responsibilities of the Water Supply Engineering Section include:

  • Construction Permitting: Ensuring that public water supplies provide adequate quantities of safe drinking water through correct design and construction of treatment and distribution facilities;
  • Water Allocation & Use Permitting: Ensuring that the waters of the state, which are owned by the citizens of Iowa, are allocated according to the beneficial use principles in a sustainable manner;
  • Viability Assessment & Capacity Development: Working with public water supplies to improve their technical, managerial, and financial capacity; and
  • DWSRF Low-Interest Loan Program: Ensuring that the infrastructure which is designed and built using Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds meets all technical requirements for that funding.
Additional public water supply activities include providing technical assistance to water operators and consultants in treatment technologies for specific water quality problems, providing educational opportunities for operators to optimize their existing treatment processes, providing technical assistance in water supply regulations, and developing the annual Water Supply Program Compliance Report.

These are the program areas in the Water Supply Engineering Section:

Pressure Filters

Water Supply Listserv:
The Water Supply Program has a Water Supply Listserv, which is an e-mail newsletter that is sent to subscribers on a periodic basis. It is targeted to those actively engaged in the operation and regulatory compliance of Iowa's public drinking water systems, providing regulatory news, program updates, and technical guidance to the public water supply owners, water supply operators, and consultants.

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