Until further notice, the Wastewater Engineering Section is unable to receive hard copy applications via postal mail. We are receiving wastewater construction permit application submittals and issuing permits and approvals electronically. Construction permit applications, plans, and specifications and all other sealed, certified, and signed engineering documents submitted with electronic signatures are acceptable and original signatures are not required.
- New Permit Applications and Work Record Requests: Submit all new wastewater construction permit applications (along with plans and specifications) and work record requests to the following email address: wastewater-engineering@dnr.iowa.gov. Email attachment size is limited to 25 MB. Please use zip files or other options to submit attachments greater than 25 MB and communicate that in your email submittal.
- For projects with previously assigned project manager: Email all documents, including design flows and loads, antidegradation alternatives analyses, facility plans, construction permit applications (along with plans and specifications), addenda, and/or change orders directly to the project manager. Assigned project managers can be checked using the Water/Wastewater Permits Information System and Records Database (W/Wisard) at: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/wwisard/WastewaterPublicSearch.aspx.
- Construction Permit Fees: To make an electronic payment, proceed to the DNR Payment System at https://programs.iowadnr.gov/payments and choose “Pay Wastewater Construction Permit Fee”. Fill the information on the form and follow the on-screen instructions.
Contact Yolanda Castro at yolanda.castro@dnr.iowa.gov if you have any questions on electronic submittals.
Construction Permitting Information
Construction, installation or modification of any wastewater disposal system, including sanitary sewer extensions, requires a construction permit issued by the DNR. Review of applications for construction permits is based on the criteria contained in the Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards, the Ten States Standards, applicable federal guidelines and standards, standard textbooks, current technical literature and applicable safety standards. To the extent of any conflict between the above criteria the Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards standards shall prevail.
A construction permit shall not be required for storm sewers or storm water disposal systems that transport only storm water, or for construction of a new disposal system or an extension or addition to any existing disposal system that receives only domestic or sanitary sewage from a building or housing or occupied by 15 persons or less.
- Application Submittal - Applications for a construction permit must be submitted at least 120 days in advance of the construction start date. The DNR will issue a construction permit within 60 days of receipt of a complete application or will deny the construction permit in writing unless a longer review period is required and the applicant is notified. The construction permit shall expire if construction has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance thereof. The DNR may grant an extension of time to commence construction if it is necessary or justified.
- Rules - Applicable rules for wastewater construction permitting are located in Chapter 567 IAC 64 of the Iowa Administrative Code. The current Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards are located on the Design Standards Webpage.
- Work Record Requests - For assignment of a construction permitting project to DNR staff, a work record request must be submitted. All new work record requests for DNR project manager assignment must be submitted to the Wastewater Engineering Section as an attachment in an email to wastewater-engineering@dnr.iowa.gov. Include Work Request – Facility – Work Title in the email subject line. An automated response will be sent to the requestor acknowledging DNR receipt of the work request.