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Variances – Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards

Variances are deviations from administrative rules. Variances from the design standards (Iowa Administrative Rules) can be petitioned along with engineering justification supporting the petition. Wastewater construction variance petitions are based on requirements of the Iowa Administrative Rules 567 IAC 64, 561 IAC 10 and the Iowa Code 455B.181.

The Department has created electronic records of the previously processed variances and made them available through the DNR web page to provide technical assistance to stakeholders. This allows them to evaluate the project variance circumstances and reference past approvals as precedence to support their variance petition. The following Table provides  access to the past variance petitions processed by the Department arranged by the specific chapter of the Iowa Wastewater Facilities Design Standards.

Please contact the Wastewater Engineering Section at 515-725-8430 with questions regarding the variances.

Past Variance Petitions
