The Conservation Reserve Program is administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA).
You can't have wildlife without the right habitat. And the Conservation Reserve Program, or CRP, is one way to add habitat to your cropland, while protecting soil and water quality. All CRP programs will pay a landowner an annual rental. The CRP has general and continuous sign-up options. A general sign-up only occurs when USDA announces one and it is a competitive bid process. The continuous sign-up is on going year round and is targeted at priority soil, water and wildlife issues.
Now is the time to consider those spots on your farm that might benefit from CRP. The DNR has biologists and foresters who can help you explore your eligibility, options, seeding mixes and maintenance requirements. They are familiar with funding opportunities that can help landowners with the cost of wildlife habitat improvements. They are available as a sounding board to help you find the best solution for your operation and concerns. Contact the nearest DNR wildlife biologist or forester now.
Choosing to plant more wildlife-friendly native prairie or trees is the best way for landowners to give themselves a competitive edge in the CRP bidding process. Talk to a DNR biologist or forester for more information about what you can do to increase the chances of your CRP bid being accepted.
General and Continuous CRP Conservation Practices (FSA website)
General CRP Information:
Find out what other farmers are saying about CRP: