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April 16 EASY Air Webinar Cancelled

  • 4/3/2020 1:56:00 PM
  • View Count 1934
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We regret having to cancel the EASY Air training webinar scheduled for April 16. With the difficult logistics of five presenters working from remote locations, we decided to postpone the training.

However, you can still learn how to use the EASY Air electronic permit application and take advantage of its online accessibility and payment options. Find a pre-recorded version of the webinar under the “What Instructions are Available” tab at

For your convenience, it is divided into eight sections so you can easily find the specific information you need:

  1. Background
  2. Accessing the System
  3. Applying for a Construction Permit
  4. Modifications and Determinations
  5. Using General Permits, Templates or Registrations
  6. Questions for Construction Permit Applications
  7. Applying for a Title V Permit
  8. Questions and Answers

DNR staff can also assist you with your EASY Air questions. For software questions, contact, Kevin Connolly at 515-725-9569 or Jason Dowie at 515-725-9523. For questions on construction permits, contact or call the helpline at 877-AIR-Iowa.

AQ Construction Permit Helpline

For questions on construction permits, contact or call the helpline at 877-AIR-Iowa. Construction helpline staff are currently working remotely and can only respond to voicemail messages.  Please leave a message and they will respond back to you as soon as possible.  Due to line congestion some calls are not going through.  Please try your call again if you are not able to leave a message.
