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If you are feeding birds right now you need to read this

If you are feeding birds right now you need to read this

  • 4/4/2022 2:21:00 PM
  • View Count 7669
If you enjoy feeding birds, late winter can be a very exciting time as the migrants start to arrive and claim a place on the feeder beside the birds we've been watching all winter. It's also a time, however, to be extra vigilant about keep your bird feeders clean!
Winter Bird Feeding Basics

Winter Bird Feeding Basics

  • 11/27/2017 8:50:00 AM
  • View Count 14313
Peanuts are another favored food and can be mixed with sunflower seed or fed separately. With high levels of both fat and protein, peanuts are especially a favorite of woodpeckers, nuthatches, titmice, and Carolina wrens. And don’t forget the suet, definitely a cold-weather bird attractant that is eaten by most winter birds. It can be fed from a variety of feeders, ranging from a suet cage to a wooden suet feeder, which is designed so that birds feed on it while hanging upside down beneath it.