Cedar Valley Lakes Trail Reopening Ribbon Cutting Event 9/19/2023 1:47:00 PM View Count 3247 WATERLOO - On Wednesday, Sept. 20, the Cedar Valley Trails Partnership and the Iowa DNR will host a celebration and ribbon cutting for the newly paved section of the Cedar Valley Lakes Trail from Krieg's Crossing to the George Wyth State Park Lodge
New stream crossing signs highlight source waters 12/6/2018 1:24:00 PM View Count 4131 DANVILLE — Every stream flows somewhere, and new signs along stream crossings are helping Iowans learn which waters flow into their local lakes.
Iowans creating connections with creeks with signs 6/28/2017 2:39:00 PM View Count 12060 Thousands of motorists drive over Iowa’s waterways, big and small, each day. But unless it’s a major river, most people are crossing these streams unaware of what’s below.