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Form reminder 101

  • 8/24/2016 2:23:00 PM
  • View Count 3672
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The DNR regularly revises forms to incorporate new rule requirements, update information, correct errors or improve instructions. Please be sure you are using the most recent version. Check the AFO forms page to download the latest revisions. 

For example, form 542-8157. Petition for a Flood Plain Determination or Flood Plain Declaratory Order. Rev. 5/2016. This form was revised to correct an error in the instructions and to add a table making it easy to calculate the animal unit capacity of the proposed facility. 

Other recent updates include:
542-8068. Construction Design Statement. 7/2016.
542-2021. Nutrient Management Plan. Rev. 12/2015.
542-0190. Compliance Steps for Combined CAFOs. Rev. 11/2015.
542-8122. Professional Engineer (PE) Design Certification. 10/2015.
542-4000. Manure Management Plan. 9/2015.
542-3106. Water Use Permit Application. Rev. 4/2015.
542-8162. MMP Short Form for Annual Updates. 1/2015. 
