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6 tips for cool-weather camping

  • 9/23/2016 1:06:00 PM
  • View Count 15900
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6 tips for keeping cozy when camping in cool weather | Iowa DNRCampers don’t have to pack up the tent and park the camper just because the calendar flips to September. Late-summer and fall camping can be some of the best times to go, with cooler temperatures and gorgeous fall colors at the campground. As the temperature dips, here are some tips to stay cozy at the campground:

Watch the weather.
This is Iowa, where the weather changes quickly! Watch the forecast to be prepared for the temperatures and pack accordingly. Be prepared for warm days and cool nights around the campfire. And always be aware of any threat of severe weather.

Have the right gear.
Proper gear makes for a better experience, from everything from clothing and bedding to your camp breakfast. Dress in layers and pack clothes made from wicking fabric. Make sure you have a proper sleeping bag for the tent or that your camper’s furnace is in full working order. Plan hearty, warm meals to keep you toasty – think oatmeal, chili, hot chocolate, coffee and more.

Be a campfire expert.
Bring enough firewood to keep the fire going as long as you need. But remember to not leave it unattended, especially as you head off to bed. Not sure where to start? Check out our campfire building tutorial.

Let it flow.
If you’re tenting, be sure to allow air to move through the tent to avoid moisture building up inside.

Warm it up.
Use hand and foot warmers in your sleeping bag to keep toasty all night long. Be sure to have shoes and a warm jacket nearby for any quick nighttime trips to the restroom.

Know your ratings.
Not all sleeping bags are created equal. Make sure you have a sleeping bag rated for use in the temperatures you plan to be camping in (it doesn’t hurt to get one rated for a slightly lower temperature, just to be safe). You’ll also want to consider the shape and weight of the bag, plus its insulation type.

For more helpful tips, check out our Iowa Camping board on Pinterest.
