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Ospreys Expanding Their Footprint in Iowa

  • 7/19/2016 1:23:00 PM
  • View Count 5219
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Iowa’s osprey population has added three new sites in 2016 – Colfax, Norwalk and at Big Creek State Park, near Polk City – bringing the total number of attempted nests to 24.

This resident population will increase when five 40 day-old Minnesota osprey chicks are released later this week at Clear Lake, and at Swan Lake, in Carroll County. The release date is contingent upon the severity of the forecasted hot weather.

The chicks were collected from established nests near Duluth for Iowa release through a partnership with Minnesota Power, an ALLETE Co., and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Young will take flight when they are approximately 56 days of age.  Osprey stewards will supplement their young’s diet for a few weeks until self-sufficiency is achieved. 

Storm blows young osprey from nest
Storms in Eastern Iowa Sunday morning dislodged a young osprey from a cell tower nest in Palo. The 44 day old chick was retrieved by a volunteer, examined at the Raptor Rehabilitation and Education facility and given a favorable prognosis.  It will be included with the osprey release at the Clear Lake site on Friday, weather permitting.

Don't miss out on Des Moines' own Live OspreyCam provided by Wells Fargo

