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Celebrate Spring by Planting Trees

  • 5/3/2016 1:30:00 PM
  • View Count 4315
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DES MOINES -- The DNR State Forest Nursery is helping Iowans plant more trees this spring by offering an extra 100 seedlings to each Create-a-Packet purchased between now and May 13, while supplies last.

“With the continuing impacts of emerald ash borer (EAB), we want to make it easy for Iowans to mitigate the loss of trees and help diversify and expand Iowa’s tree canopy,” says Paul Tauke, DNR Forestry Bureau Chief.

Nursery Create-a-Packets include 200 bare-root seedlings chosen by the customer, 50 each of four selected species. Packet orders made through May 13 will receive an additional 100 seedlings of the nursery’s choice.  The seedlings are between 8 and 24 inches, depending on the tree or shrub species.  Size and species requests do not apply to the additional 100 seedlings added to each packet; however a customer may request “trees” or “shrubs” for their extra seedlings.

Customers can choose four species from the list below to build their packets. Inventory varies, and some quantities are very limited. For best selections, order early.

Bald Cypress
Black Cherry
Black Oak
Black Walnut
Bur Oak
Cottonwood cuttings
Hybrid Poplar
Hybrid Willow
Jack Pine
Mixed Oak
Northern Pecan
Red Oak
Redbud (small tree)
River Birch
Silver Maple
White Spruce

Arrowwood viburnum
Gray dogwood
Wild Plum

Photos and species’ details can be found in the Seedling Catalog, available online at

Anyone can purchase specialty packets from the Iowa State Forest Nursery to increase wildlife habitat, pollinator potential or diversify backyard woodlands.  Cost of a specialty packet is $110, plus shipping and handling.

To take advantage of this offer, call the State Forest Nursery at 1-800-865-2477 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and mention the “add-a-hundred program.” Orders will be filled on a first-come first-served basis until supplies run out, or until 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 13, whichever comes first. This offer only applies to newly placed orders and cannot be applied to previous orders. Packet orders will be shipped in May.

This is the last nursery packet offer of the season.

For more information about the add-a-hundred program, contact the Iowa DNR State Forest Nursery at 1-800-865-2477. 
