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Ongoing Leak from Dredge in Storm Lake

  • 3/21/2016 10:39:00 AM
  • View Count 4144
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STORM LAKE –Yet another call alerted the DNR that oil was still leaking near the dredge on the east side of the Storm Lake marina Sunday.

A Buena Vista County deputy sheriff confirmed substantial sheen spreading outside the booms and along the east marina shoreline.

DNR and multiple Storm Lake officials responded Sunday afternoon, placing a second ring of booms around the dredge, booster and tug boat. They were unable to find the leak’s source and have requested help from the contractor, Dredge America. They used sphagnum moss to absorb the oil.

The leaked oil is vegetable-based, not petroleum-based, but as it decomposes it pulls oxygen out of the water. The biggest risk to fish health is from large spills which can cause oxygen levels to drop in the water.

The DNR will continue to monitor the discharge and cleanup activities. The DNR sent a notice of violation to the city last week asking for the city to update their emergency spill response plan.

Anyone who notices a spill or fish kill should call the DNR’s 24-hour emergency response line at 515-725-8694. 
