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Wastewater Discharge in Sheldon

  • 3/8/2016 6:44:00 AM
  • View Count 4665
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SHELDON – Thanks to an observant angler, the DNR and city of Sheldon wastewater operators were alerted to a wastewater discharge Monday.

Wastewater operators were working Tuesday morning, jetting an 8-inch sewer pipe to unplug the line and stop a manhole from overflowing.

The fisherman emailed DNR Saturday that he was seeing sewage in the Floyd River below the Sheldon Wastewater Treatment plant. When DNR contacted the treatment plant Monday, plant operators initially reported the plant was operating as usual. By Monday afternoon they discovered the discharging manhole.

An unknown amount of untreated wastewater has reached the river. Although river flows are high and DNR does not expect a fish kill or observable effects on the stream, residents should avoid contact with the river on the west side of town. They should also keep children and pets away from the area until 24 to 48 hours after the discharge ends.

Anglers, hikers and others can report fish kills, wastewater discharges and other environmental emergencies using the DNR’s 24-hour spill line at 515-725-8694.

The DNR will continue to monitor the discharge and cleanup activities. 
