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Prepping Your Tackle Box for Spring Fishing

  • 3/4/2016 8:48:00 AM
  • View Count 15397
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Get the basics on making sure your tackle box and gear is ready for spring fishing | Iowa DNRIf this stretch of warmer weather has you itching for spring fishing, now is a great time to dust off the tackle box and prepare for a great fishing season.

Some ideas for a good spring cleaning of your gear:

Clean Start
Clean your empty tackle box with soapy water and rinse. Wipe it down and let it dry.

Take Inventory
Before restocking your sparkly clean tackle box, check your favorite lures to make sure they are in top shape. Look for cracks or dings in the lure body, replace bent and rusty hooks, and make sure the hooks are sharp. Throw away plastic baits that have dried up.

Fresh Line
Fishing line weakens with exposure to sunlight, water and use. Re-spool all your reels.

Back to the Basics
Every tackle box should include these essential items:

  • needle-nose pliers
  • various size hooks
  • extra line
  • bobbers
  • sinkers
  • line cutters or fingernail clippers
  • a sharp knife
  • a basic first aid kit
  • a small flashlight with extra batteries
  • sunscreen

Be sure to check the batteries to make sure they're still fresh and replace the sunscreen if it's outdated.

Make a Plan
When your gear is ready to go, start planning your first outing with our places to fish webpages. Be sure to sign up for the weekly fishing report and follow us on Twitter for updates, and get tips and tricks from our Iowa Fishing board on Pinterest.
