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Greenfield wastewater leak near Middle Nodaway River

  • 10/23/2023 7:18:00 AM
  • View Count 4406
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GREENFIELD -- On Friday, Oct. 20,  a sewer line break caused untreated wastewater to reach an unnamed tributary of the Middle Nodaway River north of 230th Street/North Townline Road on the north edge of Greenfield. Residents should keep children and pets away from the unnamed tributary at 230th Street north to the confluence of the Middle Nodaway River.

The city of Greenfield notified the Iowa DNR of a sewer leak from an 8” main that runs along an unnamed tributary of the Middle Nodaway River north of 230th Street/North Townline Road on the north edge of Greenfield. The wastewater flowed into the unnamed tributary, which flows into the Middle Nodaway approximately two miles downstream.

The leak was discovered at approximately 6:30 a.m. this morning and was repaired by city staff at 12:00 p.m. The amount of discharge is unknown. DNR staff collected water samples at the site of the sewer main break and downstream. The samples will be tested for bacterial contamination, including ammonia and E. coli. No dead fish were observed while on-site. 
