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Show What Drives You with a Natural Resource License Plate

  • 6/8/2021 1:20:00 PM
  • View Count 2003
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Iowans reconnected with their state parks, fishing holes, hunting spots, prairies, lakes, rivers and wetlands at record levels last year proving that not everything that happened in 2020 was bad. 

Keep that connection going by purchasing a natural resources license plate for your car, truck, motorcycle, RV, and boat trailer and show everyone on the road what drives you. From brook trout to bald eagle, goldfinch, pheasant and buck, a portion of the purchase price and renewal goes to support where the wild things are. 

“The natural resources license plate is an important funding source for our 1,000+ nongame wildlife species, like rare grassland and forest songbirds, amphibians and reptiles, and their critical habitat,” said Pete Hildreth, Conservation and Recreation Division administrator at the DNR. “It also provides funding to track threatened and endangered species and to conduct special wildlife population surveys.”

$10 of the purchase price and $15 of the renewal is dedicated to the conservation of wildlife species not considered sport fish or game. The remaining funds support the Resource Enhancement and Protection grant program that has benefitted natural and cultural resource projects in every county of the state, from central Iowa’s High Trestle Trail, to the Manchester Whitewater Park in eastern Iowa and Loess Hills’ Preparation Canyon in the west.

“This is an easy way for Iowans to express their support for the state’s natural resources and wildlife and show everyone what outdoor passions drive them,” said DNR Director Kayla Lyon.

Getting the natural resource plate is easy – simply take the existing plate to your county treasurer’s office and tell them you want a natural resource plate. You can then automatically renew each year on your vehicle registration. Plates feature the American goldfinch and wild rose, ring-necked pheasant, bald eagle, an Iowa or a brook trout. For more details, go to Personalized plates can be ordered online at
