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Hunter ed, outdoor skills courses now available on Go Outdoors Iowa system

  • 1/20/2021 6:37:00 AM
  • View Count 3432
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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is launching a new event registration site that is part of the Go Outdoors Iowa system currently used for hunting and fishing licenses. 

The new site, at, is now home to hunter education classes, hunter education field days, boater education classes, learn to hunt/trap/shoot workshops, mentored opportunities, general outdoor skills workshops and more.

“We will see an increase in the number of hunter education classes as we get closer to February and March ahead of spring turkey season, so those looking to enroll should check it frequently as offerings will likely fill quickly,” said Megan Wisecup, hunter education administrator for the Iowa DNR.

Hunter education classes are typically offered between March and October as the volunteer instructors, county conservation staff and conservation officers are busy during hunting seasons.  Go to for the available options to satisfy the hunter education requirement and safety measures in place related to COVID-19.
