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Title V Facilities' Emissions Reports due March 31, 2016

  • 12/14/2015 2:46:00 AM
  • View Count 4516
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Facilities subject to Title V of the Clean Air Act must submit their emissions inventories for 2015 to the DNR Air Quality Bureau by March 31, 2016.

Title V emission inventory forms can be downloaded from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources web site at Two copies of Forms 1.0, 4.0, 5.0, Part 3, and supporting calculations are required for Title V Emissions Inventory reports. If your facility is located in Linn or Polk County, one additional copy must be sent to the corresponding county directly. For assistance regarding Emissions Inventory or Fee Payment (due July 1, 2016), please contact Weston Li at (515) 725-9580 or or Chris Kjellmark at (515) 725-9537 or

You may use DNR's new online emissions inventory reporting tool called State & Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS). Also available as a more limited option is reporting in DNR's legacy SPARS system. Please visit DNR’s eAirServices webpage for more information.

The Annual Compliance Certification and the Semi-Annual Monitoring Report are due March 31, 2016 if your initial Title V permit was issued prior to January 1, 2016. Contact Dennis Thielen at (515) 725-9545 or if you have questions about these reports.

For additional information, instructions, and a list of frequently asked questions, please check the informational letter that will be sent to Title V facilities by clicking here or by going to and clicking on Title V Forms & Instructions, Emission Inventory, and on the 2015 Title V Emissions Inventory reminder letter at the top of the page. 
