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Air Quality Adjustments to Environmental Commission Agenda

  • 12/10/2015 8:54:00 AM
  • View Count 3729
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WINDSOR HEIGHTS – The agenda for the Dec. 15 Environmental Protection Commission meeting has been amended by adding fee proposals for air quality services and postponing a proposed referral on asbestos violations to a future meeting.

The 10 a.m. meeting is open to the public, with public comments following an opening presentation on manure management.  Commissioners will meet at the DNR’s Air Quality Bureau, 7900 Hickman Road in Windsor Heights.

Commissioners will be asked to approve proposed fees for reviewing applications for construction permits and Title V operating permits, along with notifications of projects to remove and dispose of asbestos-containing materials. The proposed fees are based on input from advisory groups and budget projections for the services.

For agenda details, see:

Commissioners include Mary Boote, Des Moines, chair; Chad Ingels, Randalia, vice chair; Cindy Greiman, Garner, secretary; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Bob Sinclair, Sigourney; Gene Ver Steeg, Inwood; LaQuanda Hoskins, Bettendorf; Ralph Lents, Menlo; and Joe Riding, Altoona. Chuck Gipp is the director of the DNR.
