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Make MMP submittal easy in 2020

  • 1/4/2020 7:51:00 PM
  • View Count 2038
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For confinement site owners: If you haven’t been using the online manure management plan application, eMMP, check your mail now. Coming your way from the Iowa DNR is important information on how to sign up and submit your annual MMP online. The eMMP is easy to use--streamlining the annual update submittal and payment process. What took hours (including the drive to the county office for a signature), now takes minutes.  

Please join the majority of producers (more than 70 percent) who are using the eMMP. Follow the instructions in the letter or go to for more details.

Remember, too, DNR staff at your local field office can help you get started.

For consultants: Be prepared to hear from your customers after they receive the letter with their personal identification number (PIN).
