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1,864 archers compete at state archery tournament

  • 3/12/2019 12:58:00 PM
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1,864 archers from 88 Iowa schools participated in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) state tournament March 9-10, in Des Moines.

Katherine Yeomans, from Solon High School, won the girls bullseye competition with a score of 291. Lilly Machart, from Anamosa High School, won the girls 3D competition with a score of 294.  Yeomans and Machart were each awarded a bow for winning the respective competition.

Drew Crump, St. Johns & St. Athanasius School, won the boys bullseye competition with a score of 297. Crump also won the boys 3D competition with a score of 295. He was awarded two bows for winning the respective competitions.

Scholarships were awarded to the top scoring 12th grade boys and girls in each category.

Senior boys scholarship winners were Alex Brittan, from Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Jr/Sr High School, who received $1,500 for highest 3D score and Michael Harter, from Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Jr/Sr High School, received $1,000 scholarship for second highest 3D score among seniors. Conor Myers, from Mount Vernon High School, received $1,500 for highest score and Collin Hallier, Mount Vernon High School, received $1,000 scholarship for second highest score among seniors in the bullseye competition.  

Among senior girls, Kaden Gray, from Chariton High School, received $1,500 scholarship for highest 3D score and Mackenzie Yoder, of Central City High School, received $1,000 for second highest 3D score among seniors.  Katherine Yeomans, from Solon High School, received $1,500 scholarship for highest score and Kaden Gray, from Chariton High School, received $1,000 scholarship for second highest score in the bullseye competition.

NASP archers who scored highest league scores plus the highest state tournament scores were named All State Archers.


Boys All State Archers

Drew Crump, St. Johns and St. Athanasius School

Connor Myers, Mount Vernon High School

Hunter Lagrange, Springville Community Schools

Lane Mollenhauer, Springville Community Schools

Adam Larson, Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr High School

Tristen Liebe, North Linn Community Schools


Girls All State Archers

Lilly Machart, Anamosa High School

Lauren Dettbarn, Valley High School

Katherine Yeomans, Solon High School

Kaden Gray, Chariton High School

Jasmine Lagerquist, Center Point-Urbana Middle School

Makenna Hewitt, Prairie Point High School


High All-Around Champions were named based on their total combined scores from the state  3D & Bullseye Tournaments.  Lilly Machart, from Anamosa High School, with a total combined score of 584 and Drew Crump, from St. Johns and St. Athanasius School, with a total combined score of 592.  Both were awarded $750 scholarships.

Over 3,600 archers from more than 300 schools participated in Iowa’s National Archery in the Schools Program. The NASP season was Dec. 1 to Feb.23.

3D results are available online at

Bullseye results are available online at

The state tournament was sponsored by the Iowa Bowhunters Association, Whitetails Unlimited, the Iowa State Archery Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Safari Club International.
