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Online MMP submittal now live

  • 3/26/2018 9:59:00 AM
  • View Count 3957
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Letters went out from DNR March 22 regarding the new electronic manure management plan (eMMP) application. DNR sent only one letter per facility site providing a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to owners of confinement facilities who must file manure management plans. If you are a co-owner who did not receive a letter, please work with your ownership group.

Follow guidance in the letters to begin using the eMMP application to submit your annual MMP short form and pay fees from the comfort of your home, office or smart phone. Using the new application will save you time, money and effort. No more last minute drives to the county office for signatures.

The PIN allows producers secure access to the DNR’s online MMP application. The process has three main steps:

1.       Create a State of Iowa login ID (A&A account), then follow emailed directions to activate your account.

2.       Link each farm to the login account using the PIN number for that facility. (If preferred, you may also authorize your consultant to submit the form and pay fees by entering the consultant’s email.)

3.       Navigate to the eMMP application and follow the steps to submit your form and pay fees.

Find out more from an informational fact sheet and a “How-to” webinar on the DNR’s eMMP website at

The eMMP application reminds producers of due dates, allows them to pay fees online or authorize consultants to submit on their behalf, and provides notice to counties.

The paper option is still available. Paper users must still get signatures from county offices where the facility is located and in any counties where manure is applied.
