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Siting Atlas updated to include Major Water Sources

  • 10/20/2017 11:58:00 AM
  • View Count 3748
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A change in the rules for Animal Feeding Operations that was finalized in December 2016 included an updated list of major water sources. These major water sources are now on the AFO Siting Atlas.

In addition to screening for major water sources, the siting atlas is a useful tool for those considering new construction or modification of a confinement feeding operation (totally roofed facility)—allowing them to determine at a glance if the proposed site meets applicable separation distance requirements.  

The atlas allows users to click on a potential site. A pop up menu appears, listing distances from the site to ag drainage wells, wells, surface waters, water sources, high quality water resources, designated wetlands and public lands. The menu will also let you know the percent slope of the site you picked and if it is located in an area with potential karst or alluvial soils (an indication the site might be in the floodplain.

For more information about choosing a site for an animal feeding operation, see Proper AFO Siting.


Caution: This document is a guidance document and should not be used as a replacement for the administrative rules. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Siting Atlas, the administrative rules will prevail in the event of a conflict between this document and the administrative rules.
