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State Forest Nursery offers smaller minimum orders

  • 4/26/2017 3:49:00 PM
  • View Count 5030
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Landowners and homeowners can now order smaller quantities of high-quality native tree and shrub species from the State Forest Nursery. The nursery is now accepting minimum orders of 100 seedlings of one species and hopes to lower the minimum order quantity even further in the near future.

"Our constituents made it clear they want the ability to purchase smaller quantities of seedlings,” says Paul Tauke, DNR state forester. “Thanks to recent legislation, we are now able to do that for our customers.”

For many years, minimum orders for nursery stock were set at 500 seedlings. 

For seedling choices, including photos and descriptions, visit and click on “Seedling Catalog.” For more information about tree and shrub seedlings or to place an order, contact the Iowa DNR State Forest Nursery at 1-800-865-2477.  
