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Pine Springs Creek water quality and angler access easement dedication April 28

  • 4/11/2017 12:24:00 PM
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Decorah– The public is invited to celebrate the dedication of the new water quality and angler access easement on Pine Springs Creek, North Canoe Creek and West Canoe Creek, April 28 at 11 a.m. at Seed Savers Exchange, north of Decorah.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is hosting the dedication ceremony that will include brief presentations. Attendees are invited to explore Pine Springs Creek and visit the Lilian Goldman Visitor’s Center after the ceremony.

Seed Savers Exchange, a non-profit organization based near Decorah in northeast Iowa, preserves heirloom plant varieties through regeneration, distribution and seed exchange. The Iowa DNR and angling organizations have worked with Seed Savers Exchange for many years to restore aquatic habitats in three coldwater streams on their 890-acre property.

Historically, the Iowa DNR Fisheries Bureau has partnered with landowners to manage the trout populations and provide water quality and habitat protection on private property. 

The DNR Fisheries Bureau continues to work with landowners along priority streams to connect the state’s popular and highest quality trout streams with opportunities for anglers to enjoy these unique trout fisheries. Perpetual agreements are one tool used to enhance and protect these coldwater resources for the enjoyment of future generations.

The Water Quality and Angler Access Easement program benefits Iowa trout anglers and landowners alike.  The new conservation easements formalize many existing agreements for public fishing access and provide water quality improvement by protecting the stream corridor from degradation.  

Coldwater streams are a valuable natural resource unique to the “Driftless Region” that covers portions of northeast Iowa. The karst geology of the Driftless Region produces cold-water springs, seeps and flow that support coldwater fisheries in eight counties.  These fisheries attract anglers from across the United States, contributing to local economies.

There are about 530 miles of coldwater streams in Iowa, but public fishing access is available at fewer than 150 of these miles.  Anglers spend more than 400,000 days trout fishing in Iowa each year and spend nearly $20 million while in pursuit of trout.
