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Go wild - posters help support Iowa wildlife

  • 2/23/2017 11:15:00 AM
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From the March/April 2017 issue of Iowa Outdoors magazine

What do monarchs and warblers have in common? They, along with more than 1,000 other birds, reptiles, insects, mammals and amphibians, rely on Iowans to support wildlife diversity initiatives in the state.

Proceeds from this bald eagle poster help support nongame wildlife efforts in Iowa! | IowaDNRThrough research, habitat development, education and special projects that reintroduce threatened or endangered species, Iowa’s diversity program protects vulnerable wildlife species and helps keep common species common. Examples of projects include: monarch butterfly monitoring, greater prairie-chicken restoration efforts in southwest Iowa, acoustic surveys for bats and much more. 

Show Your Love for Critters With a Poster
You can support wildlife diversity by ordering a beautiful species-specific poster. Colorful and sized just right, these 16”x20” posters are just $10 ($5 if picked up) and include shipping and handling. Free to educators and tax preparers (donation appreciated). Proceeds help support, along with tax donations, the DNR wildlife diversity fund. To order, call the DNR at 515-725-8200 or pick up at the Wallace Building, 502 E. 9th, Des Moines. Let them know how you heard about the posters.

Hurry, supplies limited!

Proceeds from this butterfly poster help support nongame wildlife efforts in Iowa! | IowaDNRYou Can Help! 
Donate on Your Taxes  

A critical funding source for the wildlife diversity program is a tax-deductible donation on your state taxes. The donation is called the Fish and Wildlife Fund, known popularly as the “Chickadee Check-off.” Last year, Iowans donated about $132,000. All funds go directly to the diversity program.

“Currently only about half a percent of Iowans donate,” says DNR wildlife diversity biologist Stephanie Shepherd. “If every Iowa taxpayer donated just $1, it would mean $1.5 million for wildlife and natural resource conservation!” 

Be sure to talk to your tax preparer about the Fish and Wildlife Fund, or look for line 57 on Iowa Tax Form 1040 on both the paper and electronic formats. As with all charitable contributions, these dollars are deductible from next year’s taxes.


Posters of Iowa's wildlife help support birds, reptiles, insects, mammals and amphibians in Iowa! | Iowa DNR
