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Land Quality Bureau Rulemaking

General Information - Executive Order 10

Executive Order 10 (EO10) signed by the Governor on January 10, 2023, requires all state agencies to identify which administrative rule chapters will be retained or rescinded. The EO10 process includes the review of existing rule chapters, the reauthorization of rule chapters that will be retained, and public engagement with the opportunity for meaningful input throughout the process. Opportunities for public input and information for public review during the Land Quality Bureau's (LQB’s) implementation of EO10 will be posted on this webpage as they become available.

EO10 - Governor's Office

EO10 - Natural Resources

Solid Waste and Financial & Business Assistance

The Solid Waste and Financial & Business Assistance (FABA) sections developed a framework of recommended revisions and a proposed structure that was opened for comment and discussed with stakeholders in the fall of 2023. Following this framework, available chapters that are proposed to rescind/replace or rescind/consolidate/replace are listed below.

Overall Documents:

Chapter and Division Status

The Land Quality Bureau’s Solid Waste and Financial & Business Assistance Sections of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) continue to make great progress on the Executive Order 10 (EO10) administrative rule process. Below is the status of the chapters/divisions.


The pre-formal stage of rulemaking does not have a prescribed set of steps, which allows for flexibility to work with stakeholders in a way that is appropriate for the level of complexity of the chapter and extent of anticipated changes. During this phase the DNR will work with stakeholders and the public to complete a proposed rulemaking.

In-Process Drafts

The following are currently going through internal (DNR) review prior to being posted.

  • Rewriting of 567 IAC Chapter 101, division V, Solid Waste Transfer Stations. This is a proposed replacement for current 567 IAC Chapter 106. DNR staff are currently in the process of drafting proposed revisions and anticipate having a draft available for internal review by the end of August and posting on our website for external review and comment by the end of September.

Workgroup Drafts

The following is the status of drafts going through the workgroup process prior to being made available for public comment.

  • The Landfill Workgroup has held two meetings to date and will hold the next meeting in August where Division I of 567 IAC Chapter 101 will be discussed. Meanwhile, the other landfill divisions (Divisions II, III, and IV) are being prepared.
  • Rewriting of 567 IAC Chapter 102, division IV, Beneficial Use. This is a proposed replacement for current 567 IAC Chapter 108. The DNR has selected individuals to serve on the Beneficial Use Workgroup and anticipates holding its first meeting in October. Feedback obtained from the workgroup will guide decision-making regarding this program and proposed revisions. The goal will be to have a draft rulemaking available for internal review by the end of December and posting on our website for external review and comment by the end of January 2025.
  • Rewriting of 567 IAC Chapter 105 Organic Materials Composting Facilities. The revisions are being drafted and under internal review. The draft will be presented to the Compost Workgroup in the near future.

Drafts for Public Review

The following are drafts that are open for public comment.


The steps in the formal rulemaking process are prescribed in the Administrative Procedures Act, found in Iowa code chapter 17A. This process includes review and approval by the Environmental Protection Commission and the Administrative Rules Review Committee; publication in the Administrative Bulletin, as well as public hearings and a public comment period. The newly revised rule becomes effective at the end of the formal rulemaking process.


These chapters are currently going through the formal rulemaking process.


These chapters have completed the formal rulemaking process and are effective.


  • Please use to submit comments and questions regarding FABA and solid waste related rule chapters.
  • Solid Waste: Michael Sullivan, Chad Stobbe, Theresa Stiner and Brian Rath
  • FABA: Laurie Rasmus and Jennifer Wright

Solid Waste News

Sign Up For Solid Waste Updates

Floodplain and Dam Safety

Chapters 70-76 govern floodplain development and dam safety in Iowa.  Chapter 70 outlines definitions and permitting procedures, updates include landowner notifications, floodway determination, floodway development reviews and several new definitions.  Chapter 71 governs when permits are required and has been reformatted and streamlined.  Chapter 72 provides permitting criteria and includes minor cleanup.  Chapter 73 regulates dams in Iowa and is generally unmodified as it was complete updated in 2020.  It is proposed to rescind Chapter 75 that governed general floodplain establishment and floodplain management orders that is generally superseded in currently with FEMA mapping standards.  Applicable sections of Chapter 75 that are still relevant are moved into other chapters.   Chapter 76 is also proposed to be rescinded as it is no longer relevant. 

Rule Documents - Current rules, proposed changes, and clean versions of proposed changes:

Contact for Comments: 
Jonathan Garton

Oil, Gas, and Metallic Minerals

During the last legislative session, Iowa Code Chapter 458A was updated to include the regulation of naturally occurring, non-petroleum/hydrocarbon gases. As a result, the current Iowa Administrative Code 561 Chapter 17 must be updated to reflect the changes to Iowa Code. Further, we have been directed to complete this update this calendar year as part of the Executive Order 10 (EO 10), signed by the Governor on January 10, 2023.

Overall Documents:

Proposed Rule Document:


  • Please use to submit comments and questions regarding FABA and solid waste related rule chapters.
  • Amie Davidson, Michael Sullivan, Matt Graesch, Sharon Wegener, Theresa Stiner, and Brian Rath