If you're interested in learning more about improving water quality in your area, contact your Basin Coordinator:
Miranda Haes, Northeast Iowa Basin Coordinator
515-204-3485 or
Kyle Ament, Central Iowa Basin Coordinator
515-344-9678 or
Steve Konrady, Western Iowa Basin Coordinator (Acting)
515-505-0140 or Steven.Konrady@dnr.iowa.gov
Detailed Basin Map
For information on Watershed Management Authorities (WMAs) see the WMA Page.
Information on other Iowa watershed projects can be found with the IDALS Water Resources Bureau.
For questions about DNR watershed grant opportunities, contact our grants staff:
Grant Announcement and Application Email
Steve Konrady, DNR Nonpoint Source Coordinator
515-505-0140 or Steven.Konrady@dnr.iowa.gov
Miranda Haes, DNR project officer
515-204-3485 or Miranda.Haes@dnr.iowa.gov
Kyle Ament, DNR project officer
515-344-9678 or Kyle.Ament@dnr.iowa.gov
Additional DNR Watershed Improvement Program staff:
Andy Asell, Geographic Information Systems Technician
515-250-3303 or Andy.Asell@dnr.iowa.gov
Jennifer Kurth, Technical Development and Biological Impairments
515-639-8464 or Jennifer.Kurth@dnr.iowa.gov
Jason Palmer, Technical Development and Biological Impairments
515-336-2477 or Jason.Palmer@dnr.iowa.gov
Josh Balk, Dry Run Creek (Black Hawk County) Watershed and Source Water Coordinator
319-325-8593 or Josh.Balk@dnr.iowa.gov
Jerah Sheets, Supervisor
515-314-6328 or Jerah.Sheets@dnr.iowa.gov