Official State of Iowa Website Here is how you know
Snowmobiling in Iowa

Rules and Regulations

Snowmobile Education

Snowmobile riders in the state of Iowa who are ages 12 through 17 are required to have taken, and passed, a snowmobile education course and have an education certificate in their possession when riding on public land, public ice, and designated snowmobile trails, if these areas are signed open to snowmobile use.

This regulation applies to both resident and nonresident riders.

Snowmobile Education Program logo

The snowmobile education course is designed to teach students the principles of safe snowmobiling and how snowmobiling affects other people and the environment.

The following age restrictions apply to persons operating a snowmobile on public land, public ice, designated riding trails or designated riding areas in Iowa:

  • Persons under the age of 16 may operate their own snowmobile under the direct supervision of a responsible person of at least 18 years of age experienced in snowmobile operation who possesses a valid driver's license or an education certificate issued or recognized by the DNR.
  • Persons 12 through 17 must have a valid education certificate in their possession when operating.
  • Persons 16 to 17 may operate unsupervised, but must have a valid education certificate. Restrictions on operating a motor vehicle also apply to persons in this age group.
  • Persons 18 and older may operate without an education certificate if their privilege to operate a motor vehicle has not been barred or revoked.

The focus of the DNR Snowmobile Education Program is to provide an education course that reduces the rate of accidents, injuries, property damage, and fatalities, while at the same time promoting the development of environmental stewards by educating our students about environmental concerns, energy conservation and proper maintenance of snowmobiles, and promoting the practice of only riding in legal areas and with landowner permission.

Students can take a certification course online. Students must complete a written exam with a minimum score of 80% to receive an education certificate. 

For information about the Snowmobile Education Program, please contact DNR Customer Service at 515-725-8200 or


Snowmobile Safety

Additional Snowmobile Information

Whenever an ATV, ORM, ORV, or snowmobile is involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person or property damage amounting to $1,500 or more, the operator of the vehicle or a person acting for the operator shall immediately notify the county sheriff or another law enforcement agency in the state.

If the accident occurred on public land, a designated riding area, a designated riding trail, or ice under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resource Commission, the operator shall file a report of the accident with the Department of Natural Resources within 72 hours. The report shall be on DNR Form 542-8093.

All reports shall be submitted to the Iowa DNR State Parks Bureau, 6200 Park Ave Ste 2000, Des Moines, Iowa 50321, and shall include a full description of the collision, occurrence, or other casualty. If you have any questions, please call the DNR Des Moines Office at 515-725-8200.

Operator Incident Report Form: 542-8093
Operator Incident Report Form: 542-8093



The Iowa DNR is authorized to approve a club or individual to hold an organized special event (an organized race, exhibition, or demonstration of limited duration which is conducted according to a prearranged schedule and in which general public interest is manifested) within the state if the event is scheduled to be held on public land or public ice under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resource Commission. The DNR shall designate the equipment and facilities necessary for the safe operation of vehicles and for the safety of operators, participants, and observers.

Residents participating in a special event must display a current registration on their vehicles  Nonresidents must display a valid, Iowa nonresident user permit on their vehicles.

For clarification on when a Special Event Permit is needed, applicants are encouraged to speak with their local Conservation Officer prior to submitting their application. 

At least 30 days before the scheduled date of a special event, an application must be filed with the DNR using the Special Events web-based application found at

For more information, contact DNR Customer Service: 515-725-8200 or

The State of Iowa offers financial assistance through the Iowa Snowmobile Program for the development and maintenance of snowmobile trails. This program is funded from snowmobile registration fees and use permits. Incorporated private organizations, cities, and counties are eligible to apply for these grants.

Effective September 5, 2017, administration of this grant program has been assigned to the Iowa State Snowmobile Association. Seventy percent of the revenue deposited into the snowmobile fund by the state treasury will be used by the association for the purposes of providing access to trails and the purchase and upkeep of the grooming fleet.

The Iowa State Snowmobile Association is required to develop forms, rules, scoring criteria, and the timeframes for the grant program. A cooperative contract between the DNR and ISSA is in place to provide oversight of the use of state money by ISSA.

For more information about changes to the program, please go to

Renewal Period for Registrations [Sept 1 - Dec 31]

The renewal period for snowmobile registrations without penalty is September 1st through December 31st, annually.


Be sure to register your snowmobile, annually.
All newly owned machines, or machines not yet entered into the recreational vehicle and vessel registration system (RVVRS), must be registered through the County Recorder’s Office in the owner’s county of residence.


To register you will need:

Snowmobiles which have been entered into RVVRS may be renewed either through a County Recorder's Office or the Iowa DNR Online License and Registration site. You will need to provide your DNR customer number, which is printed on your vehicle registration.


Nonresident User Permits
Nonresident user permits are available at the County Recorder’s Office, any license agent that sells hunting and fishing licenses, or the Iowa DNR Online License and Registration site.

For more details, please visit the snowmobile registration page.