Official State of Iowa Website Here is how you know

Applications for Veterans, Disabled Iowans, and Senior Citizens

Information on how to apply for hunting and fishing licenses for Iowa's veterans, disabled citizens, and seniors over age 65. For more information, please contact the DNR Customer Service Center at 515-725-8200.

Group Home Annual Fishing Permit Application (Form #542-8058)
A free annual permit for health care facilities and juvenile shelters which allows patients to fish as a supervised group without individual licenses. (Iowa residents and facilities only)

Free Annual Hunting and Fishing License Application (Form #542-8056)
Iowa residents who are either a) permanently disabled AND the annual household income is below the federal poverty guidelines or b) age 65 or older AND the annual household income is below the federal poverty guidelines. Please see the application for the current federal poverty guidelines.

Veteran Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License Application (Form #542-1412)
A lifetime hunting and fishing license for veterans who have a service connected disability or were POW's. (Iowa residents only)

Application for Iowa Annual Hunting/Fishing License For Resident Armed Forces Veteran (Form #542-1411)
Residents of Iowa who have served in the armed forces of the United States on federal active duty are eligible. Must submit their DD214 (must show characterization such as Honorable or General, Under Honorable Conditions). Applicants will only need to submit the application one time. Once approved, the licenses will be available for purchase every year.

Application For Iowa Lifetime Trout For Resident Veterans (Form #542-0708)
Residents of Iowa who either a) qualify for and have received the Disabled Veterans Homestead Credit or b) believe to qualify but have not applied for the Disabled Veteran Homestead Credit and can provide a copy of a current letter provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs which indicates they are entitled to a service connected disability with a rating of 100%, are eligible for a Lifetime Trout License at a cost of $65.00.

Free Annual Resident Disabled Fishing License (Form #542-1456)
A free fishing license for persons who are certified by a physician as having a permanent severe physical or mental disability

Motor Vehicle Use In Game Management Area, Park, Preserve
The DNR no longer requires a permit that allows for the use of a motor vehicle on game management areas, state parks or preserve.  For persons who have a disability which makes it impossible to ambulate without the use of a motor vehicle, please work directly with DNR staff who are assigned to the game management area, state park or preserve.  DNR staff will work with individuals to develop an access plan for each desired area. Individuals must keep the access plan with them when using the area.


Establishing Residency

Establishing residency in the state of Iowa

Were the last licenses or tags you purchased in the state of Iowa nonresident tags? Are you now permanently living in Iowa? Information required to prove eligibility of Iowa Residency. (for former nonresidents)

Resident License Application Form       Changing Your Residency Status FAQ

Help Iowa DNR learn more about Black Carp

The Iowa DNR is seeking help from commercial fishers to learn more about Black Carp numbers and distribution through a partnership with the Illinois DNR, Southern Illinois University and the U.S. Geological Survey.

Commercial fishers can earn a bounty of $100 for Black Carp captured in the Mississippi River or its tributaries in Iowa and Illinois.

If you catch a Black Carp on the Mississippi River, call one of these phone numbers during regular business hours: Illinois DNR: 217-557-0719 or 618-462-0362; Southern Illinois University: 618-453-6089; U.S. Geological Survey: 573-876-1866.

For questions or more information, contact Kim Bogenschutz, the Iowa DNR's Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator, at 515-432-2823 x103 or


Commercial Fishing, Turtle, Bait Dealer & Aquaculture

Annual License Fees

  • Resident Commercial Fisher License - $202
  • Nonresident Commercial Fisher License - $402
  • Resident Commercial Fish Helper (16 years old and older) - $52
  • Nonresident Commercial Fish Helper (16 years old and older) - $102
  • Resident Commercial Roe Harvester - $102
  • Nonresident Commercial Roe Harvester - $3,502
  • Resident Commercial Roe Buyer - $252
  • Nonresident Commercial Roe Buyer - $502
  • Resident Commercial Turtle Harvester - $102
  • Nonresident Commercial Turtle Harvester - $402
  • Resident Commercial Turtle Helper (16 years old and older) - $52
  • Nonresident Commercial Turtle Helper (16 years old and older) - $102
  • Resident Commercial Turtle Buyer - $202
  • Nonresident Commercial Turtle Buyer - $402

An aquaculture unit license holder can possess, propagate, buy, sell, deal in, and transport the aquatic organisms produced from breeding stock legally acquired, including minnows. A license holder may own or operate a pond where guests or customers are allowed to fish for a fee, or take fish without regard to angling licenses, seasons, gear restrictions, or bag limits.

Application for Aquaculture Unit License(Form #542-0134)
Aquaculture Annual Report (Form #542-0136)
Aquaculture Annual Report (Form #542-0136)


You must have a Fish Importation Permit to receive, propagate, or sell in the state any aquaculture species not listed in subrule 89.1(1) (Approved Aquaculture Species). Aquaculture units cannot import live fish, viable eggs, or semen from any species of the salmonids family (trout, salmon, or char) and ictalurid family (catfishes and bullheads), unless the owner or operator possesses a fish importation permit. 

For more information, visit Chapter 89: Approved Aquaculture Species (off-site)

Salmonid Family Fishes, and Catfish Family Fishes Importation Application
Non-Indigenous Aquatic Organism Importation and Possession Permit Application


New crayfish harvest regulation on Storm Lake
To help reduce the spread of rusty crayfish to other waterbodies in Iowa, licensed bait dealers can no longer harvest any crayfish species from Storm Lake.

Bait Dealers - Retail
A licensed person who sells minnows, frogs, crayfish and salamanders retail for fish bait.

Buy your Retail Bail Dealer license online
Retail Bait Dealer License Regulations
Currently licensed Retail Bait Dealers


New crayfish harvest regulation on Storm Lake
To help reduce the spread of rusty crayfish to other waterbodies in Iowa, licensed bait dealers can no longer harvest any crayfish species from Storm Lake.

Bait Dealers - Wholesale
A licensed person who resells minnows, frogs, crayfish and salamanders wholesale for further distribution to retail customers.

Buy your Wholesale Bait Dealer license online
Wholesale Bait Dealer License Regulations
Currently licensed Wholesale Bait Dealers