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Fee Rules and Fee Schedule Added to Commission Agenda for Approval

  • 12/10/2015 8:34:00 AM
  • View Count 4317
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The Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) will be asked to approve air quality fee rules and a fee schedule at the December 15 meeting. If approved, the fee schedule would become effective on January 15, 2016.

The EPC agenda briefs, fee rules and fee schedule, and the DNR’s responses to comments on the fee rules and fee schedule are available with the EPC agenda at .

The EPC will be asked to approve setting a flat fee for new source review applications from minor sources, including registration permits, permit by rule, and permit templates; and for asbestos notifications. The EPC will also be asked to approve assessing billable, hourly review fees during the application review process for new source review applications for major sources and for applications for initial and renewal Title V operating permits.

Questions should be directed to Jim McGraw at or 515-725-9543.
