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EPC to tour golf course following October meeting in Altoona

  • 10/5/2017 12:01:00 PM
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ALTOONA--The Environmental Protection Commission will meet Oct. 17 in Altoona to consider a contract and an air quality rule.

Commissioners will be asked to approve a contract amendment to update an online hazardous chemical inventory required by federal laws. Called Tier II, information on hazardous chemicals is provided to county managers to protect their community’s safety during emergencies.

Also up for approval is a rule change that incorporates recommendations from industry and other stakeholders for streamlining the air quality permitting process.

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. at the Terrace Hills Golf Course, 8700 NE 46th Avenue in Altoona. The meeting is open to the public, with an opportunity for public comments following the monthly reports. Send requests to speak to Jerah Sheets at DNR or or in person prior to the meeting.

An 11 a.m. appointment is scheduled for commissioners to hear a referral to the Attorney General of McDowell & Sons Contractors, Inc., for open dumping and open burning of solid waste in Hardin County.

The EPC will tour conservation practices at the golf course after lunch. The tour is open to the public.

The complete agenda follows:

·         Approval of Agenda

·         Approval of the Minutes

·         Monthly Reports

·         Public Participation

·         Director’s Remarks

·         Contract Amendment 02 of 15ESDFSBABROU-0001 with JADA Productions

·         Final Rule: Ease of Application Rules - Chapter 22

·         Referral to the Attorney General

·         EPC Annual Report Team

·         2018 EPC Dates

·         General Discussion

·         Items for Next Month’s Meeting

o   Nov. 20 – EPC Educational Tour – Henry County 

o   Nov. 21 – EPC Business Meeting – Henry County

o   Dec. 19 – EPC Business Meeting – Windsor Heights


The complete agenda and item briefs are available on the DNR website.

Commissioners include Chad Ingels, Randalia, chair; Ralph Lents, Menlo, vice chair; Joe Riding, Altoona, secretary; Mary Boote, Des Moines; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Howard Hill, Cambridge; Barbara Hovland, Mason City; Rebecca Guinn, Bettendorf; and Bob Sinclair, Sigourney. Chuck Gipp is the director of the DNR. 
