Iowa’s furbearer season begins Nov. 4 10/31/2017 11:38:00 AM View Count 9356 Iowa’s furbearer season opens Nov. 4, and the outlook for 2017 is good as populations are stable to increasing statewide.
Iowa furbearer season begins November 5 10/25/2016 12:28:00 PM View Count 12522 Iowa fur harvesters will find good numbers of raccoons, muskrats, beaver, coyotes, bobcats, river otters and mink when the furbearer trapping and hunting season opens on Nov. 5.
The Mighty Mink: Cool Things You Should Know 2/13/2015 7:12:00 AM View Count 45867 Built much like its larger relative the otter, the mink has a long, sleek body about 2 feet long. It has short, stubby legs, a long neck, small ears and eyes and a long, thick tail. In fact, one third of the mink’s length is tail.