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Nebraska Man Injured Sunday Evening After Being Thrown from Boat

  • 9/6/2016 8:45:00 AM
  • View Count 3681
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DES MOINES – An Omaha, Neb. man was injured after being thrown from a boat Sunday evening on the Missouri River in Harrison County.

Nathan Case, 23, was a passenger sitting in the front of an open bow boat when the vessel hit the wake from another boat causing him to fall out of the front shortly before 8 p.m. Sunday approximately four miles south of the Little Sioux boat ramp. The boat Case fell out of went over the top of him and he was hit by the propeller.

Case was airlifted to Creighton University Medical Center in Omaha in serious condition. He was not wearing a life jacket when he fell into the water. Other passengers onboard were able to get him back to the boat.

The boat that Case was aboard was operated by Brett Feder, 32, of Omaha. Feder was charged with failure to having a throwable flotation device on board and for having an expired boat trailer registration.

The incident was investigated by law enforcement officers from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
