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Trumpeter Swans to be Released at Wayne County's Coffey Marsh

  • 4/12/2016 7:36:00 AM
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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will release two trumpeter swans on Coffey Marsh rain or shine at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21. The release site is located 2-1/2 miles north of Promise City on blacktop S56 at the parking lot on the east side of the road,just south of the river bridge.

Filmmaker Steve Harryman is planning to attend this release to collect footage for the upcoming documentary “Return of the Trumpeters” in partnership with the Trumpeter Swan Society.

The release includes a 20-minute swan/wetland presentation, a unique opportunity to touch and view the swans up close and a historic photo opportunity with the kids. As the largest North American waterfowl, these magnificent all-white birds can weigh up to 32 pounds with an 8-foot wingspan.

Trumpeter swans were once common in Iowa, but were gone from the state by the late 1880s.  By the early 1930s, only 69 trumpeter swans remained in the lower 48 states.  The trumpeter swans being released are part of the Iowa DNR’s statewide trumpeter swan restoration effort, with hopes that they will help restore a wild free flying population to Iowa.  Public support is key to achieve this objective. 
