Knot tying is an essential skill for beginning anglers to learn. It's not hard - it just takes some practice. Knot tying is best learned with monofilament fishing line. Try these easy to tie knots to get you started.
Uni Knot
This versatile knot can be used to attach the fishing line to the arbor of a reel, join lines or attach lures, snaps, and swivels.
1. Pass the line through the eye of the hook and double back parallel to the standing line.
2. Make a loop by laying the tag end over the doubled line, while both lines face the same direction.
3. Make five or six turns with the tag end around the doubled line and through the loop.
4. Holding your swivel or hook in one hand and both ends of the line in the other hand, pull them apart gently so the knot is almost tied, but not yet tight.
5. Moisten the lines and pull only the standing line firmly away from your hook or swivel.
6. Trim the tag end.
![Tying a palomar knot for anglers [tutorial] | Iowa DNR](/Portals/idnr/uploads/pins/Pins%202/palomar-knot.jpg)
Palomar Knot A great general purpose knot used to attach a line to a hook or a fly to a leader. It is regarded as one of the strongest and most reliable fishing knots. (Diagram at right.)
1. Run the line through the eye of the hook. Then run it back through to make a loop.
2. Bring the loop behind the standing line and up through the center of the hole.
3. Pass the hook through the loop.
4. Moisten the line line. Pull it tight against the hook and trim the tag end.
Blood Knot
A tried and true fishing knot used to join two lines together. It is easy to tie, strong and reliable. (Diagram below.)
1. Overlap the ends of the two lines to be joined about six inches.
2. Take the free end of one line and make five or six turns around the other line. Repeat for the other line.
3. Run the free ends of the lines through the loop between the two lines in directions opposite each other.
4. Pull each free end and begin to tighten the knot.
5. Moisten the knot.
6. Finish tightening it and clip the free ends.
Improved Clinch Knot
A strong, quick and easy to tie knot that is good for securing your line to a lure, swivel, clip, or artificial fly. It is one of the most widely used fishing knots. (Diagram below.)
1. Pass the line through the eye of the hook or lure and wrap it around the standing line five or six times.
2. Thread the line through the first loop above the eye and then through the big loop.
3. Hold the free end of the line and the standing line.
4. Moisten the line and pull the coils tight against the eye of the hook.
5. Clip the free end.
![Tying an improved clinch knot for fishing [tutorial] | Iowa DNR](
Now that you have your knot-tying skills mastered, find a place to fish or get more great tips and tricks from our Iowa Fishing board on Pinterest.