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Public invited to field day highlighting forest management

  • 4/23/2024 11:34:00 AM
  • View Count 1850
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FAYETTE, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Iowa State University Extension will be showcasing various forestry practices at Volga River State Recreation Area as part of a public field day, on May 21.

Field day activities include reviewing the recent clear cut, discussions on black walnuts, chronic wasting disease and ruffed grouse, proper planting, pruning and stock selection and participate in a campground planting project at Volga River State Park.

The field day has demonstration areas and various speakers highlighting these practices.

“We want Volga to be a model of doing forest stewardship correctly,” said Jason Walker, district forester from the Iowa DNR’s office in Charles City. “We are following a plan developed for this 4,000-acre timber and the field day setting is a good way to highlight different management practices and allows for a good discussion.”

Attendees should plan to bring a sack lunch. There is no cost to attend.

Volga River Field Day Agenda

Meet at Volga Lake boat ramp parking lot, 18450 I Ave, Fayette

  • 9:30 a.m., Registration 9:50 a.m. 
  • Travel to Sites 10 a.m.
  • Concurrent Sessions (40 minutes each)
    • Recent Clear-Cut Review
    • Biltmore Stick Demo/Black Walnut Discussion
    • Chronic Wasting Disease Updates/Grouse Management
  • Noon, Lunch (Bring Your Own) - Mini Topics
  • 12:45 p.m., Urban Tree Planting/Care Workshop
    • Proper Planting Demo
    • Pruning/Stock Selection
    • Campground Planting Project (split into groups, plant trees)
  • 3:15 p.m., Field Day wrap up and final thoughts
