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Bagley Man Injured at Guthrie County Shooting Range

  • 2/1/2016 2:46:00 AM
  • View Count 5129
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PANORA – A Bagley man was injured by a gunshot wound Sunday afternoon while target shooting in Guthrie County.

Jeremy Cooper, 33, was target practicing with his .17 caliber rifle at the Bays Branch shooting range near Panora when the wind blew his paper target off the stand at the 50-yard berm. He left his gun propped on some sandbags on the shooting bench and walked down to fix the target. While he was trying to rehang his target, the gun fell of the sandbags and fired with bullet hitting his left arm, passing through and also hitting him in his left upper torso shortly before 1 p.m.

Cooper was transported by ambulance to Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines where he was treated for non-life threatening injuries.
