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Contracts, presentations head up Environmental Protection agenda

  • 5/13/2021 1:06:00 PM
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DES MOINES—Four contracts and four presentations top the agenda at the Environmental Protection Commission’s May 18 meeting.

Commissioners will also elect officers after three new commissioners are sworn in.

Presentations on Iowa’s groundwater status, improvements protecting Rathbun Lake’s watershed, derelict building grants and the Iowa Waste Exchange will bring commissioners up-to-date on ongoing projects.

Commissioners will meet in person, while DNR staff and the public participate virtually. To join by video at 10:30 a.m., connect with To join by phone, call 240-794-2779, and enter the PIN code of ‪934 190 235 followed by the pound (#) sign. The meeting is open to the public. There is no scheduled public participation. Written comments may be submitted up to one day before the meeting to Jerah Sheets at or to DNR, 502 E. Ninth St., Des Moines, IA 50319.

Commissioners will be asked to approve four contracts, including one for the Iowa Waste Reduction Center. In other action, the water quality standards final rule is up for approval.

The complete agenda follows:

Approval of Agenda

Oath of Office

Welcome & Introductions

Election of Officers

Approval of the Minutes

Monthly Reports

Director’s Remarks

2021 Groundwater Status Report (Packet Page 17)

Rathbun Lake Watershed Improvement and Source Water Protection

Contract with Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (Protect Rathbun Lake Project)

Contract with The Office of the State Archeologist at the University of Iowa

Adopted and Filed Rules – Chapter 61 – Water Quality Standards (Section 401 Water Quality Certification)

Contract with the University of Iowa

Derelict Building Grant Program Overview

Derelict Building Grant Program – Grant Recommendations

Notice of Intended Action – 567 IAC Chapter 215 - Mercury-Added Switch Recovery from End of Life Vehicles

Grant Agreement Amendment with Region XII Council of Governments

Iowa Waste Exchange Program Overview

Contract with the University of Northern Iowa, Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC)

Notice of Intended Action - Chapter 70-73 – Dam Safety Rules Update

Notice of Intended Action: Air Quality Rules Update - Chapters 20, 22, 23, and 25

General Discussion

Items for Next Month’s Meeting

  • June 15 – EPC Business Meeting
  • July 20 – EPC Business Meeting

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Commissioners include: Ralph Lents, Menlo, chair; Harold Hommes, Windsor Heights, vice chair; Brad Bleam, Rockwell City; Rebecca Dostal, Traer; Stephanie Dykshorn, Ireton;  Amy Echard, Farmersburg; Patricia Foley, Huxley; Lisa Gochenour, Logan and Mark Stutsman, Hills. Kayla Lyon is the DNR director. 
