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Results from 2020 state archery tournament

  • 3/10/2020 11:43:00 AM
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Nearly 2,000 archers from more than 120 Iowa schools participated in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) state tournament March 7-8, in Des Moines. For the season, more than 4,000 archers participated in Iowa's National Archery in the Schools After-School League Program. The season ran from December 1, 2019 - February 22, 2020. 

Below are the results of the state tournament.

Nationals Competition

Male and female archers that placed in the top 10 within their division as individuals, receive a guaranteed spot to participate in one of the national Tournaments. 

Participants can choose if they want to travel to the Western Nationals held in Sandy, Utah (April 24-25), or the Eastern Nationals, in Louisville, Ky. (May 7-9). Team qualification is based on achieving a minimum score through a tiered registration process. Several of Iowa's teams qualified for a chance to compete at the national tournaments.  

Senior Scholarships

Haney Family Foundation Senior Scholarship (Essay Based)

$1,000 - Natalie Kongable (Center Point Urbana High School)

$1,000 - Cassandra Allen (Ridgeview High School)

$1,000 - Samantha Mellinger (Washington High School)


Chuck "Coach" Hallier Memorial Senior Scholarship (Essay Based)

$1,000 - Hailey Butterwegge (Valley High School)


Iowa Bowhunter's Association "Cal Stuchen Memorial" Senior Scholarship (Performance Based)

$500 - Bullseye Top Senior Boy - Samuel Ridgway (Valley High School) 

$500 - Bullseye Top Senior Girl - Hailey Butterwegge (Valley High School)

$500 - 3D Top Senior Boy - Logan Kelly (Mount Vernon High School)

$500 - 3D Top Senior Girl - Shanna Fellows (Eddyville Blakesburg Fremont High School)  

3D State Tournament Top Performers
Shanna Fellows, Eddyville Blakesburg Fremont High School, won the girls 3D competition with a score of 292.  Logan Kelly, Mount Vernon High School, won the boys 3D competition with a score of 293. Both archers received a $1,500 scholarship and a custom Gen-X Bow package. Mackenzie Baustian, Prairie Point, was the girls 3D runner-up with a score of 291. Lane Mollenhauer, Springville Secondary, was the boys 3D runner-up with a score of 292. Both runner-up archers received a $1,000 scholarship. 

Bullseye State Tournament Top Performers
Hailey Butterwegge, Valley High School, won the girls bullseye competition with a score of 295. Gus Joyce, North-Linn High School, won the bullseye competition with a score of 296. Both archers received a $1,500 scholarship and a Genesis Pro Bow. Mackenzie Baustian, Prairie Point, was the girls bullseye runner-up with a score of 292. Hunter Lagrange, Springville Secondary, was the boys runner-up with a score of 293. Both runner-up archers received a $1,000 scholarship.  

High All-Around (3D/Bullseye Combined State Tournament Scores)

Mackenzie Baustian, Prairie Point, with a total combined score of 583 was the female high all-around champion.

Hunter Lagrange, Springville Secondary, with a total combined score of 584 was the male high all-around champion.

Both archers received a $1,250 scholarship.  

3D All-State Team (Highest League Score Combined with State Tournament Score)

Makenna Hewitt, Prairie High School (Girl's All-State Captain)

Shanna Fellows, Eddyville Blakesburg Fremont (Girl's All-State)

Mackenzie Baustian, Prairie Point (Girl's All-State)

Lane Mollenhauer, Springville Secondary (Boy's All-State Captain)

Isaac Denning, Prairie High School (Boy's All-State)

Hunter Lagrange, Springville Secondary (Boy's All-State)

Bullseye All-State Team (Highest League Score Combined with State Tournament Score)

Paige Emig, Mount Vernon High School (Girl's All-State Captain)

Mackenzie Baustian, Prairie Point (Girl's All-State)

Hailey Butterwegge, Valley High School (Girl's All-State)

Zoey Ratchford, Independence Jr/Sr High School (Girl's All-State)

Alise Brockhaus, Lawton-Bronson Jr/Sr High School (Girl's All-State)

Taylor Butterwegge, Valley High School (Girl's All-State)

Gus Joyce, North-Linn High School (Boy's All-State Captain)

Hunter Lagrange, Springville Secondary (Boy's All-State)

Drew Crump, Independence Jr/Sr High School (Boy's All-State)

Cooper Jipsen, Atlantic High School (Boy's All-State)

Samuel Ridgway, Valley High School (Boy's All-State)

Issac Denning, Prairie High School (Boy's All-State)


State Archery Tournament Participation

1,993 bullseye archers representing 121 Iowa schools.

569 3D archers representing 62 schools.

Complete Tournament Results




The state tournament was sponsored by the Iowa Bowhunter's Association, Iowa State Archery Association, Whitetails Unlimited, Safari Club International, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
