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Reuse and upcycle your old stuff with these simple projects

  • 8/7/2014 9:01:00 AM
  • View Count 14240
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Not going to watch those old 1980s VHS tapes? Have some unworn t-shirts lying around? Put them to good (and stylish) use with these simple projects from the DNR's Reusapalooza at the Iowa State Fair.

Upcycle that old shirt with this no-sew t-shirt bag tutorial from the Iowa DNR

No-sew t-shirt bag

1. Turn t-shirt inside-out and place on a flat surface. Cut off the sleeves.

2. Cut around the collar.

3. Cut off bottom hem of t-shirt.

4. Cut vertical strips along the bottom of the shirt, about an inch wide.

5. Take two strips and knot together.

6. Enjoy your new bag!


VHS beaded bracelet

Items needed:

  • VHS cassette tape
  • Size K crochet hook
  • Screwdriver
  • Beads
  • Scissors

1.    It's easiest if the VHS tape you use is rewound.  If that is not possible, you can proceed, you will just work with two VHS wheels.

2.    Using a screwdriver, remove all 5 screws on the back of the VHS cassette and open it. 

3.    Remove the "wheels" that contain the black tape. 

4.    Using a size K crochet hook, start with a slipknot and single crochet 15 to 20 depending on the desired size (adults larger, children smaller).  You can measure the size as you continue your single crochet.

    When you reach the end of your chain, single crochet 1 and double crochet to the end of the chain.  Fasten off. 

6.    When double crochet is completed, fasten off.

7.    Cut two 4-inch strips from the VHS material.  Fold and slip knot through each end of the bracelet (this will be used to fasten your bracelet and subsequently remove it.).

8.    Select beads or other embellishments - as many or as few as you desire.

9.    Cut several 2-inch strips from the VHS material.  String the beads onto the strips and subsequently tie them in between the stitches of your bracelet so that the beads are on the front side of your bracelet.

Reuse and upcycle those ancient video tapes with this VHS tape beaded bracelet tutorial from the Iowa DNR10.
    Once you have attached desired amount of beads, cut off excess VHS material. 

11.    From the strips attached earlier and using a bow, tie your bracelet onto your wrist.  Untie the bow to remove.




