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Manure release from Clinton County dairy

  • 4/26/2019 12:45:00 PM
  • View Count 2592
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CHARLOTTE – Late Wednesday, DNR investigated a complaint about manure overflowing north of Charlotte, about 15 miles northwest of Clinton.

The DNR found evidence manure had overflowed from a concrete storage structure at the D&D Dairy, running overland to a small tributary of Bear Creek. Owner, Darryl Banowetz, said the overflow began on April 22. He had built an earthen berm to retain it.

DNR field tests showed elevated levels of ammonia in the creek, but no sign of dead fish.

The DNR will continue to monitor cleanup and consider appropriate enforcement action.

DNR asks the public to promptly report spills and fish kills to the 24-hour spill line at 515-725-8694. Those responsible for a spill must report spills to DNR within six hours of discovery or occurrence.
