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Fishing regulations to be relaxed at West Lake Park in Scott County

  • 3/12/2019 12:56:00 PM
  • View Count 6858
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Davenport – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will relax the fishing regulations at Lake of the Hills, Railroad Lake, Lambach Lake and Bluegrass Lake at West Lake Park starting April 1st to allow anglers to more freely harvest fish before the lakes’ water levels are lowered this summer.

West Lake Park lakes will be under construction through 2020. Excess sediment will be removed from the lakes, shorelines will be stabilized and new fish habitat structures will be added.

The Lake of the Hills community trout stocking scheduled for March 22 has been cancelled. The trout program at Lake of the Hills is expected to return Fall 2021.

Anglers with a valid sport fishing license may harvest all sizes and unlimited quantities of any species of fish from West Lake Park lakes. Any number of poles will be allowed, but anglers must stay in site of these lines at all times.

Liberalized fishing regulations for West Lake Park lakes will be in effect from April 1 until the lakes’ water levels are lowered, starting on July 15. Specific regulation changes include:

  • Removal of bag and length limit restrictions on largemouth bass.
  • Removal of bag limit on channel catfish.
  • Removal of bag limit on crappie and bluegill.

Nets, dynamite, trotlines, poison, electric shocking devices, or any stupefying substances are not allowed. It is illegal to sell fish or stock captured fish into public waters.

Lake of the Hills is currently listed on the State’s list of Impaired Waters due to high levels of algae. The overall goal of this restoration project is to improve water quality and recreational opportunities at West Lake Park and remove the lake from the Impaired Waters List.
