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Hunters harvested 11,700 turkeys during 2018 spring season

  • 5/29/2018 12:44:00 PM
  • View Count 7206
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Turkey hunters reported harvesting 11,700 Iowa birds this spring, which is 100 birds fewer than were harvested in 2017.

Iowa’s spring turkey seasons began April 7 with the youth season and ended on May 20. Hunters purchased nearly 50,000 spring turkey tags.

Hunters can help the DNR with its annual population estimates by reporting all the turkeys seen in July and August.

The DNR will have a link to an online survey on its website before the survey begins on July 1, where Iowans can provide the date and county in which the turkey was seen, if it was an adult female or adult male (males have beards on their breast), and whether there are young poults (baby turkeys).

Annual population surveys conducted by the DNR are an important component of the species management plans, which includes providing hunting opportunities. Hunter participation is appreciated.
