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Source of sheen on Walnut Creek traced to truck stop

  • 5/17/2018 8:12:00 AM
  • View Count 2980
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URBANDALE—DNR has traced the source of a sheen on Walnut Creek to the Pilot Travel Center near Douglas Avenue and Interstate 35/80 in Urbandale.

The sheen was discovered and the release ended Sunday after absorbent booms were placed below the travel center to prevent additional material entering the creek.

“There’s no sheen on the creek now,” said Ted Petersen, supervisor of DNR’s field office.

The travel center, city of Urbandale and DNR are working together to determine if the release occurred at one or more locations on the travel center’s lot. A contractor is cleaning up the low lying area, changing booms and cleaning pipelines to prevent further discharges.

DNR will continue to monitor the clean-up and consider appropriate enforcement action.

“Generally, it’s a good idea to keep kids away from city creeks after heavy rains fall,” Petersen added. “Swift currents and rapidly rising water make the streams unsafe. Pollutants from parking lots, streets, yards and rooftops can also wash into the creeks. Typically they come in quickly after it rains, then move on downstream. “

Learn more about storm water concerns from the Iowa Storm Water Education Partnership. 
