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Agenda for May 17 Air Quality Client Contact Meeting

  • 5/3/2018 2:34:00 PM
  • View Count 3353
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An Air Quality Client Contact Meeting will be held Thursday, May 17, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in DNR Conference Room 2N at our new location in the Wallace State Office Building, located at 502 E. 9th St, Des Moines. There are a limited number of visitor parking spots available in the lot on the north side of the Wallace Building. Visitors may also park in the parking ramp located across the street just west of the Wallace Building. Attendees of this meeting may sign-in at the Air Quality Bureau front desk on the second floor and will not be required to register at the DNR’s fourth-floor reception area. Alternatively, a call in option is available. The call-in number is (866) 685-1580 and the code is: 515 242 5296#.

Agenda items include: updates from the Bureau Chief; program efficiencies and updates; upcoming designations, nonattainment, and interstate transport obligations; the recent major source reclassification memo (Once In, Always In); and an open discussion on new source review improvements. The meeting agenda is posted on our website at by going to, and clicking on Public Participation, and then go to Meetings – Air Quality Client Contact. The conference call instructions are also on the agenda.

The Air Quality Client Contact Meetings focus on current and upcoming air program issues and changes. Air Quality Bureau staff also participate in the monthly Environmental Services Division Client Contact meetings.
