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eMMP rolling out in March

  • 2/9/2018 3:55:00 PM
  • View Count 3520
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Poultry and livestock producers who must file a manure management plan can now file their MMP electronically--three years out of four. Farmers and consultants can save time, effort and mileage by filing the required plans from their home, office or smart phone—instead of getting a signature at each county office where manure will be applied. If everyone uses the eMMP, DNR estimates the online solution will save driving at least 178,000 miles per year.

Find out more about eMMP benefits in this short video.

Basically it’s a three-step process: producers will need to create a State of Iowa login ID, login to submit the plan or allow their consultant to file, and complete the form and fee payment. Both producers and the county will receive an email saying the plan’s been submitted.

Find out more at a 1 p.m., Feb. 28 webinar: “Save Money and Time—File your MMP Online.” Watch an eMMP webinar preview to learn more. Then pre-register on the DNR’s eMMP webpage.
